Personal Chef/Small Food Business Membership


Personal Chef/Small Food Business Membership

from $0.00

For 2020-2021 only: One year membership in Farm to Fork San Diego for all personal chefs with businesses of any size is NO CHARGE. If you are able to help support the website and email platform please select Supporting Member for $10 plus a $2 processing charge.  Membership period is today to June 30, 2021. Includes participation in Farm to Fork Week.

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One year Farm to Fork San Diego membership allows for a listing on the website and the benefits of any public relations advocacy for personal chef members.  Members will be verified with local farms and required to have at least one, ongoing relationship with a local farm.

Benefits also include the right to have farm related public events posted on the Farm to Fork San Diego event page, discounted advertising with Edible San Diego, inclusion in the Farm to Fork SD members private Facebook group where you can connect with other members and where farms and fishermen can post available product.  Any questions to